Stratafikasi Sosial dan Korelasinya Dengan Perilaku Hukum
Stratification Reality Law
This research takes the title "The relationship between social strata and legal behavior". This research was conducted qualitatively using library research and data sources from secondary sources using primary materials. The results of this research conclude that there have been many rather surprising events related to lawenforcement (sanctions) imposed on classes of society who occupy positions withpeople who do not occupy positions at all, in fact there is an opinion circulatingin the community that "the law is blunt up but sharp down". This argument isrepresentative of the community's argument against the ineffective legalassessment of the community against the current law. In its embodiment, the lawcan increase or decrease. A complaint made to the police is a legal event whencompared to a police station where there are no complaints made by the public atall. Quantitatively, there will be more legal proceedings if the frequency oflawsuits in a district court becomes high or there is an increase. An official who istemporarily carrying out his duties is not subject to a temporary examination untilhis term of office ends. The problem of law enforcement that is oriented to social status is what often becomes a problem like this which in the application of law often ca uses the cause of not achieving legal goals, namely justice, especiallyjustice in a substantive manner.
How to Cite
Muhammad Yusuf. (2024). Stratafikasi Sosial dan Korelasinya Dengan Perilaku Hukum. Siyasah Wa Qanuniyah : Jurnal Ilmiah Ma’had Aly Raudhatul Ma’arif, 2(1), 43–50.
- Ali, Zainuddin, Sosiologi Hukum. Jakarta: Sinar Garfika: 2010.
- Horton, Paul B., Chester L. Hunt, Sosiologi, Jilid 2. (Jakarta: Erlangga, 1999)
- Indianto, Muin, Sosiologi, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2004)
- Pitirin A. Sorokin, Social Stratification, (New York: Harper, 1998)
- Rahardjo, Satjipto. 2009. Penegak Hukum Suatu Tinjauan Sosiologis. Genta Publising: Yogyakarta.
- Soekanto, Soerjono dan Mustafa Abdullah. 1982. Sosiologi Hukum dalam Masyarakat. Rajawali Pers: Jakarta.
- STRATIFIKASI/Stratifikasi Sosial dan Hukum _ Syailendra Wisnu's Blog.htm (diakses tanggal 1 Mai 2024,
- STRATIFIKASI/hukum-dan-stratifikasi-sosial-suatu.html (diakses tanggal 1 Mai 2024,
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Copyright (c) 2024 Siyasah Wa Qanuniyah : Jurnal Ilmiah Ma'had Aly Raudhatul Ma'arif

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Stratification Reality LawAbstract
This research takes the title "The relationship between social strata and legal behavior". This research was conducted qualitatively using library research and data sources from secondary sources using primary materials. The results of this research conclude that there have been many rather surprising events related to lawenforcement (sanctions) imposed on classes of society who occupy positions withpeople who do not occupy positions at all, in fact there is an opinion circulatingin the community that "the law is blunt up but sharp down". This argument isrepresentative of the community's argument against the ineffective legalassessment of the community against the current law. In its embodiment, the lawcan increase or decrease. A complaint made to the police is a legal event whencompared to a police station where there are no complaints made by the public atall. Quantitatively, there will be more legal proceedings if the frequency oflawsuits in a district court becomes high or there is an increase. An official who istemporarily carrying out his duties is not subject to a temporary examination untilhis term of office ends. The problem of law enforcement that is oriented to social status is what often becomes a problem like this which in the application of law often ca uses the cause of not achieving legal goals, namely justice, especiallyjustice in a substantive manner.
How to Cite
- Ali, Zainuddin, Sosiologi Hukum. Jakarta: Sinar Garfika: 2010.
- Horton, Paul B., Chester L. Hunt, Sosiologi, Jilid 2. (Jakarta: Erlangga, 1999)
- Indianto, Muin, Sosiologi, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2004)
- Pitirin A. Sorokin, Social Stratification, (New York: Harper, 1998)
- Rahardjo, Satjipto. 2009. Penegak Hukum Suatu Tinjauan Sosiologis. Genta Publising: Yogyakarta.
- Soekanto, Soerjono dan Mustafa Abdullah. 1982. Sosiologi Hukum dalam Masyarakat. Rajawali Pers: Jakarta.
- STRATIFIKASI/Stratifikasi Sosial dan Hukum _ Syailendra Wisnu's Blog.htm (diakses tanggal 1 Mai 2024,
- STRATIFIKASI/hukum-dan-stratifikasi-sosial-suatu.html (diakses tanggal 1 Mai 2024,
- Read Counter : 301 Download : 323
Copyright (c) 2024 Siyasah Wa Qanuniyah : Jurnal Ilmiah Ma'had Aly Raudhatul Ma'arif

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.