Screening Plagiarism
Siyasah Wa Qanuniyah: Jurnal Ilmiah Ma'had Aly Raudhatul Ma'arif is committed to maintaining the integrity and originality of every manuscript published. Therefore, all submitted manuscripts will undergo a plagiarism screening process as part of the initial evaluation before proceeding to review further.
Maximum Plagiarism Limit
- Maximum Similarity Rate: Submitted manuscripts must have a maximum similarity rate of 35 percent. This similarity rate is calculated based on academically recognized plagiarism detection software results.
Screening Process
Use of Plagiarism Detection Software:
- Every submitted manuscript will be checked using plagiarism detection software such as Turnitin, iThenticate, or other tools.
- Manuscripts with a similarity rate exceeding 35 percent will be returned to the authors for revision.
Handling Plagiarism:
- If a manuscript has a plagiarism rate above the set threshold (35 percent), authors will be allowed to revise the manuscript to reduce the similarity rate below the maximum limit.
- Authors are expected to correct and properly cite any sections that are highly similar to other sources.
Manuscript Return and Rejection:
- Manuscripts that do not meet the maximum plagiarism limit after revision will be returned for further revision or, if necessary, rejected from the publication process.
Sanctions and Corrective Actions
- Siyasah Wa Qanuniyah reserves the right to reject manuscripts that are found to violate these plagiarism guidelines.
- If plagiarism is detected after a manuscript has been published, corrective actions such as article retraction will be taken, and an official notice will be sent to the authors’ affiliated institutions.
Importance of Originality
Authors must uphold academic ethical principles by ensuring the submitted work is original and follows ethical writing guidelines. Any ideas, data, or text from other works must be appropriately cited.
By adhering to these guidelines, we can collectively maintain the academic integrity and scientific quality of Siyasah Wa Qanuniyah: Jurnal Ilmiah Ma'had Aly Raudhatul Ma'arif.