About the Journal

The journal Siyasah wa Qanuniyah is published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Ma'had Aly Raudhatul Ma'arif, North Aceh, Indonesia, Takhassus Fiqh Wa Ushuluhu with a concentration in Fiqh siyasah wa Qanun. This journal contains research articles that answer actual political and legal problems by referring to trusted Islamic fiqh and Ushul fiqh theories within the scope of the mazhab. Article submission in this journal is addressed to the website jurnal.mahadalyraudhatulmaarif.ac.id Complete information for article submission and article writing instructions are available in each issue. Submitted articles will go through a selection process of editors and reviewers. This Siyasah Wa Qanuniyah journal is a scientific and reference journal that provides official sources of information for the general public, scholars, academics, and professionals in the field of Islamic law. This journal is published in print and online which can be downloaded for free. Published regularly twice a year.